首页 > 注册公司 > 注册卢森堡公司


1) Original certified copy of the Bank references for all the concerned individuals and corporates (letter stating that they know the client and that they never had problems);


2) Identity Proofs: Certified true copies of the passport by a notary of the concerned individuals (indicating the full name and address and the person who certifies)


3) Address Proofs: Utility bill, Bank statement, declaration by the city of residence, etc…, for proof of the address of the concerned individuals;


4) Police record (or equivalent) of the land of origin, and should be translated in English via Notary


5) Information about the concerned individuals = brief CV in English (beneficial owners and directors); 所有相关人员的英文简历 "

6)" Business plan in English of the Luxembourg Subsidiary, the below information should be mentioned: 设立卢森堡公司的英文商业计划书,需要阐述以下信息:

  1. Detailed description of the activity planned with the company and the subsidiaries;; 公司与分支机构计划开展业务的详细说明
  2. Name of suppliers and clients of the subsidiaries; 供应商的姓名以及分支机构客户的姓名
  3. Source of assets (from financing the company to be created); 资本来源(如何资助即将成立的公司)
  4. Geographic spread of business; 公司业务的地理分布状况
  5. Estimated annual turnover; Estimated amount to be invested at the bank; 年收入预计;拟投入资金额
  6. Estimated number of transactions per month; 公司业务的月交易量预计
  7. Brochures, information leaflets and English introduction of the Parent company 投资母公司的宣传册,信息单页和介绍,概以英文为准

7) Original certified copy of business license of the parent company (in English)


8) Original certified copy of M&A (in English) of the parent company


9) Original certified copy of Register of Director and Member (in English) for the parent company




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